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A group of clinicians sitting in a circle having a discussion.

Our Mission:

To provide social workers and other mental health professionals with state-of-the-art continuing education encompassing a variety of clinical issues, client populations, and practice settings. We believe effective learning occurs in a professional, nurturing, supportive, and fun environment that fosters collegial sharing and networking.

Our trainings encourage clinicians to reframe and de-pathologize symptoms, while focusing on clients’ resiliency and strengths. We believe that clinicians are only as effective as the extent to which they take care of themselves, so we also address issues of counter-transference, vicarious traumatization, and professional burnout.

Four people attending a workshop for The Ferentz Institute.

Trauma Certificate Programs

Learn how to incorporate effective and creative trauma treatment strategies that promote self-compassion and healing.

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A man sitting and reading about a workshop.

Discover our Inspiring Workshops

Earn valuable CEUs through informative and experiential workshops that strengthen your professional skills and enhance your personal growth.

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A picture of Lisa Ferentz.

Bring Lisa to You

Discover trainings and keynote addresses that Lisa can offer your professional community at your clinical setting or conference.

Upcoming Classes

Boost your professional knowledge and expand your expertise with our in-person and online trainings.

A picture that represents this event.
September 20, 2024
8:45 AM - 12:00 PM (ET)
Virtual Training on Zoom
Nick Farr
Alex Timoshenko

This workshop will explore how mental health counselors and related professionals can ethically incorporate the creative arts into their clinical practice.

A picture that represents this event.
September 24, 2024
8:45 AM - 4:15 PM (ET)
Virtual Training on Zoom
Lisa Ferentz

In this six-hour workshop we will look at the ways in which our brains are adversely impacted by trauma and how the concept of neuroplasticity can reverse that impact.

A picture that represents this event.
September 27, 2024
8:45 AM - 4:15 PM (ET)
In-Person at The Hilton Garden Inn
Lisa Ferentz

This workshop will provide a clinical framework so therapists can compassionately assist their clients in understanding and addressing the root causes of guilt and shame.

What people are saying about The Ferentz Institute:

Susan Stork

Lisa “holds a space” for her students in a way that is restorative, empowering, comforting, and grounding. I highly valued all of my time in Level I and Level II with Lisa and her faculty. If you live within driving distance of an event provided by Lisa- make the time to attend! Soul altering work!

Stephanie Durnford

Not only was I able to leave [Creative Techniques for Managing Traumatic Stress: Grounding, Containment, and Resourcing} with skills I could use the next day in session, [the presenter] made the workshop interactive, engaging, and I was able to take concrete items for my own personal self-care toolbox!

Jennie Strauss

From the start, I knew a made a great choice in investing my time and emotions in this program. I've learned so many tools and strategies to help my patients cope with their trauma and I've learned a lot about myself and how I can best support and guide my patients.

Joseph Rollo

I believe the most positive take away from the workshop was the opportunity to interact with other participants. I do believe the workshop was well-planned and facilitated.

Brian Shird

I was moved by the dialogue, and I now have a better understanding of the benefits of balancing spirituality and psycho-therapy. The therapist [Lisa] was awesome and one could get sense as to why she is so sought after. The feedback from the Rabbi [Goldberger] and the Priest [Father Ray] offered for me a unique look into the both perspectives and how each saw how the inclusion of spiritually can help ones clients achieve post recovery.

Shannon Maple

[Susan is] Very positive, warm, and open and made it a safe space for discussion and learning.

Gavriel Horan

Lisa is a breath of fresh air. She exudes compassion and understanding, She is the model of the perfect therapist.

Shanez Jenkins

This program has helped me to become a more competent and confident clinician. I have begun using the skills and interventions from this program with current clients, and the shift in my practice and the progress of my clients has been amazing to witness. I recommend this program to every clinician who wants to develop or strengthen skills and knowledge of trauma informed care.

Karina Aponte

This training allowed me to transform the way I work with clients. I feel much more confident and competent in my work thanks to Lisa's help in expanding my knowledge.

Sheila M. Ishii

I liked Dr. Evans' passion for his topic, the handouts and journaling at the end; his ability to engage the room, with 5 of the 17 participants not being African American or brown skinned; his not shying away from anger in a very articulate participant; and his willingness to share out of his own life, practice, and his faith.

Stephanie Durnford

I really appreciated Lisa's approachable, super informed, and engaging presentation style [in Understanding and Working with Self-Injurious Behavior (SIB)]. The material was so applicable to not only conceptualization but also practice.

Amy Heilman

[Sabrina is] Very engaging and passionate about supervision! Very relatable and encouraged self-reflection.

Claire Colyer
Clinical Intern

I especially liked his openness and willingness to participate.

Colleen Blackston

Yehuda was very passionate and knowledgeable.

Amy L. Whitesel

Patricia was very engaging and offered a truly interactive experience. She is clearly very knowledgeable on this topic.

Kara Smith

This was by far the best training I have attended. I learned that I was actually doing a lot correctly, but also learned a lot of things I could be doing. I look forward to Level II!

Krista Dhruv

She's [Lisa's] such a wonderful teacher AND a seasoned clinician- it's hard to get both in one person!

Bruce Snyder
Chaplain / Minister

I was extremely impressed with Sabrina and her [Therapists as Peacebuilders: Using Your Gifts for Global Impact] workshop. It correlated very well the combined existence of both therapy skills engaged with transforming power for mutual consideration of others.

Renée Myrie

As a Black woman, this seminar spoke to me on so many levels. It was relatable to both my personal and my professional life. This was an amazing experience that I highly recommend to others.

Katie Richa

Dr. Evans is a phenomenal, engaging educator. He is knowledgeable and fun to listen to. I appreciate the experience he brought and his gift of teaching. I will be looking for his trainings in the future.

TJ Matton

[Trauma Informed Assessment and Treatment: Ethical Considerations} was a rewarding workshop with a more macro view on ethical treatment of clients. Like all of Lisa's work (and trauma work in general) the workshop emphasizes the importance of relationship and pacing to ensure the safety of the client. The workshop provided specific ways to give clients a safe intake and assessment experience that does not trigger the client and is still informative for the therapist.

Melynda Klausner

Advanced Trauma Training was an amazing experiential and educational experience that advanced my skills, knowledge and support for doing the work I love.

Liza Baker

After taking the Trauma Informed Assessment and Treatment training, I feel more confident in how to ask questions about a history of trauma that are properly paced and that will not re-traumatize the victim. As an art therapist, I see more creative ways to ground clients using aromatherapy, tactile objects, sand tray, and visual imagery to support the trauma assessment process. I recommend this training to all therapist.

Shereen Ghori

The session on [Evolving Treatment in the Face of the Opioid Epidemic] was informative especially for someone who is not in the field of substance abuse.

Jasmine McEwen

The presenter of the workshop had a calming energy about her, and genuinely seemed interested in what was being discussed.

Mary Liz Austin

Yehuda is a grounded and clear presenter with a wealth of knowledge on how to work creatively with trauma survivors.

Danielle Crystal

Invaluable investment in myself and career. I learned what I wish I had in school and feel that I am a better clinician for attending.

Danielle Deckard

Lisa's trainings are enlightening and engaging. [Ethical Dilemmas in Clinical Practice] included a good amount of discussion with the other clinicians attending which offers opportunities to learn from the other attendees as well as the speakers.

Katy Alexander

I liked that the presenter made the material easy to understand. She was able to cover a lot of material in the time of the workshop. I also really liked to hear specific examples that will help with our future clients.

Susan Lawyer

Yehuda is AMAZING (and adorable)! He is funny, intelligent, and a gifted presenter.

Linda S. Shapiro

I appreciated Susan’s expertise, personal sharing of cases, and her personality.

Susan Stork

Lisa “holds a space” for her students in a way that is restorative, empowering, comforting, and grounding. I highly valued all of my time in Level I and Level II with Lisa and her faculty. If you live within driving distance of an event provided by Lisa- make the time to attend! Soul altering work!

Claire Bernstein

This training was a very thorough and effective look at trauma treatment. Lisa's intentionality and creativity made this training very valuable. I am leaving with many useful strategies, skills, and language to utilize with my clients. I felt challenged through this program to reflect on my clinical practice!

Catherine Tardif-Douglin

[Navigating the Ethical Challenges of Telemental Health] was so pertinent to some of the current challenges facing psychotherapists Lisa Ferentz is a talented and skilled facilitator who provides information, stimulates discussion, and appropriately draws on participant expertise. all while standing on her head!! No, just kidding, but I look forward to my next workshop with her.

Lisa Bartlett-Kliever

The Ferentz Institute Level I and II has changed the way I practice. These experiences have provided me with effective strategies to assist clients in moving through their trauma experiences safely.

Emma Pyle

Lisa is a gifted and energized speaker who speaks with a passion for the difficult work with trauma survivors. [Using Expressive Modalities to Connect With and Soothe Traumatized Parts] had immediate practical applications for day to day sessions with clients.

Diana Harden

Lisa's care and attention to our development as trauma informed clinicians is unmatchable. Her knowledge and ability to offer so many variations has been so helpful in my growth and in my work with a wide range of clients. I appreciated her ability to recognize the need for clinician self care and being a huge advocate for that important part of the work that can often go unattended to. I only wish I had taken this training sooner in my career but so grateful for the current opportunity!

Lisa Zimmerman

I've done numerous advanced trainings but this one was head and shoulders above the rest. Lisa's passion and non-pathologizing stance transformed the way I view my clients and inspired me to more creative in my work.

Kim McCalpin

I loved the trainer!

Diane Sancilio

[Sabrina is] Engaging, dynamic, thought provoking and fun!

Ryan Malphrus

[Trauma Informed Assessment and Treatment: Ethical Considerations] was well paced and delivered in a good conversational manner.

Sara Murry

I encourage every clinician to attend this course. The course's focus on client strengths and creativity encourages you to expand your empathy and see client's in a more complete way. After having taken this training, I feel competent in my interactions with trauma survivors and assist them in a more thoughtful way.

Gabrielle Diener

The presenter was an expert in the field who provided real-life, relatable examples that I can apply to my practice as a therapist.

Michelle Hammer

[Creative Techniques for Managing Traumatic Stress: Grounding, Containment, and Resourcing] was, by far the most effective CEU training I've attended regarding experiential interventions for Trauma. [The presenter] wonderfully balanced between the theory and practice of grounding, containment, and resourcing all the while leading and modelling by example her practical interventions via affording us all the opportunity to experience them. Well worth the time and memorable.

Elizabeth Doonan

The Trauma Informed Treatment, Ethical considerations workshop was interesting, clear, informative and useful throughout. Lisa's authenticity is refreshing, her genuine dedication and advocacy for both the client and practitioner are unparalleled. I am glad I had the chance to attend this unique workshop.

Nicole Osborne

This workshop was very insightful. I learned so much about how to make clinical supervision effective utilizing a holistic approach. Dr. Sabrina provided a lot of relatable information. She was real and present throughout the entire workshop.

Zoe Nasios

She [Susan] was very knowledgeable, very organized and it interactive and informative. Loved the real life case studies.

Jennifer Thocher

This training was worth the investment. It increased my confidence as well as my competence and my ability to both maintain and model healthy boundaries and work-life balance. Lisa is a very inspiring mentor.

Nancy J. Frank

I found that the online format was an excellent way to attend the program, no stress, no travel, great timing of information and breaks. I felt that it worked wonderfully. Thank you so much for your knowledge, your insights, your delivery and your absolute Unconditional Positive Regard!!

Lindsey McDaniel

Susan was very knowledgeable and shared a lot of concrete, usable strategies while also providing a clear framework in a way that was understandable for me and that I can use with clients.

Catherine Peterson

I have grown as a therapist over the last nine sessions and I believe my growth allows me to see and access the strengths and resiliency in my clients in a new and different way.

Dorothy Adamson Holley

The Level I Trauma Certification Program has totally transformed my practice! The conceptual framework and immediately-applicable clinical tools gave me the confidence to work with any client who has experienced trauma. Lisa and her team are phenomenal!

Jordan Klebanow

Lisa is a wonderful instructor and her course will mark a turning point in your practice.

Allison Pearlman Sax

Dr. Sabrina did a fabulous job engaging us for 12 hours. I loved the format, her knowledge, and the real-life tips and experiences to help us grow.

Paul Timin

She [Susan] connects with her audience with warmth and humor.

Annette Schlossnagle

This is the stuff I wish we had in college! Lisa is an excellent teacher! Taking this course is something I have dreamed of since I first heard Lisa teach at another training. Every class I went away with immediately applicable teaching and resources. I immediately felt more confident and comfortable in my practice.

Karen Ross Taylor

Trauma Informed Collage Methods was a very valuable workshop as I have always had a personal affinity for collage activities and love to find ways to incorporate it into my practice. It's also a kinder and less threatening modality for those of us who minimize or deny having artistic abilities. The facilitator Peggy and her assistant Hanna were organized and accommodating. Having minimally structured experiential components to the workshop was a smart choice. I highly recommend :)

Timothy E.

Sabrina led with her heart throughout the entire training. Powerful experience with tangible take-aways.

Anne Bean

I loved the ideas for enriching supervision to encompass holistic well being.

Amy Waldron

She [Susan] was [a] great [facilitator], very informed on the topic [of Effectively Treating Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder].

Edina Adler
LCSW, Mediator

I liked [Patricia's] her warmth, and wealth of knowledge, and approachability.

Jami Margolis

This program gave me, as a seasoned clinician, so much insight about how to be trauma informed in every aspect of treatment: intake environment, parts work, and termination. Thank you!

Ayxa Kalai

The facilitator [Lisa] was incredibly knowledgeable. The information [in Trauma Informed Assessment and Treatment: Ethical Considerations] given was relatable, concrete examples of how to apply in our daily jobs.

Erin Clark

Denise was well educated, compassionate and experienced in her work with the clients that have endured domestic violence.

Chaim Wolfish

This program is an absolute must for any clinician who is serious about providing the best therapeutic care to all clients.

Laura Greer

Peggy Kolodny is a master instructor who introduced so many creative and innovative ideas for me in this workshop [Trauma Informed Collage Methods]. I gained tools, ideas, and inspiration that will directly help me give to my clientsin a way I think they will enjoy almost as much as I did in learning them!!

Amy Searcey

This program reinforced and strengthened my confidence and skills. I have noticed clinically significant results in my clients through implementing the tools provided in this training.

Eileen Thompson

Heidi made me feel safe to ask questions and responded in a concise and understandable manner.

Jenn Ungham

Trauma 1 Program was beyond beneficial as the core of my patients have been affected by trauma and not only did this program validate what I am already doing but also provided me with a wealth of knowledge to take my sessions to the next level and help my patients process through their trauma in a safe and effective way.

Melissa Schnaar

Susan was very knowledgeable and experienced in working with clients struggling with OCD.

Ina Schwob

It is truly an honor and privilege to attend Lisa Ferentz's workshops. Lisa is a dynamic and masterful presenter and therapist specifically trained in trauma therapy. Her trauma workshop provides a high level of education with up to date practical application of assessments, treatments and creative techniques. [Trauma Informed Assessment and Treatment: Ethical Considerations] provides guaranteed take home tools will enhance your clinical practice. I am always inspired by her enthusiasm and dedication to trauma therapy. I walk away with renewed energy and excitement.

MacKenzie Fleming

Lisa Ferentz is very knowledgeable and a great teacher and presenter. She was very warm and welcoming. The class itself was very informational and very organized. I recommend this class to every clinician. Thanks Lisa!

Sarah Lawson

Salicia was amazing and I would attend another training session with her.

Ronda (Rosie) Behr

I learned a lot [in Trauma Informed Collage Methods] and had fun doing it.

Caroline Hinkley
Victim Advocate

The Level I training was easily the most valuable training I've ever had. Not only was it professionally helpful, but personally. This class was so emotionally refreshing. I feel as if I have a bright new outlook on my profession and I am eternally grateful.

Amy Waldron

[Lisa] kept the audience very engaged in the discussion [during Ethical Dilemmas in Clinical Practice].

Jennifer Hart

[Therapists as Peacebuilders: Using Your Gifts for Global Impact} was a great workshop. I enjoy learning opportunities that balance between personal growth/awareness as a clinician as well as wider reaching issues. The facilitator [Sabrina] was knowledgeable, experienced, approachable and enjoyable. I felt that it was a nice change of pace to be “learning” on the psycho-spiritual/emotional end of things rather than just the mental. I do feel like this was one of the most valuable CEU's I've taken this season.

Jessica LeTourneau

Great information with experiential exercises. I really enjoyed connecting with the other participants.

Ann Cybele Hirschhorn

I loved seeing Yehuda give some examples of how he would do things with clients. I enjoyed his case presentations and role plays with attendees.

Lyndsay Soeder

This was one of the best trainings I've ever taken and certainly the most informative. Lisa does an excellent job presenting the material in a way that is really interesting and applicable to a wide array of clinical settings. Anyone working in the mental health field should take this training. Most importantly, Lisa really did a wonderful job of making sure that we as clinicians felt taken care of and appreciated. I truly felt like I mattered.

Lisan Martin

Robyn was a stellar presenter [for Master Class – Case Consultation: Treating Post-Partum Mood Disorders Through a Trauma Lens] and it is the rare workshop when I can say just one day later the material has changed my approach to cases and enhanced the array of techniques. I highly recommend her as a presenter and would certainly attend future workshops with her.

Sharon Hart

[In Trauma Informed Assessment and Treatment: Ethical Considerations] Lisa Ferentz offers light to all counselors who place their clients first & foremost, in a field that has become mired and one which I barely recognize after 35 years. Given that grief & trauma encapsulate our daily lives and most definitely, in the lives of our clients, I remain befuddled as to why grief & trauma education is not placed at the foremost and a basic requirement of any counseling/social work program.

Lydia Santiago

The presenter for [Evolving Treatment in the Face of the Opioid Epidemic] was energetic, knowledgeable and brought in a different perspective to such a sensitive topic. He brought in great speakers, and added human perspective to our Opiate epidemic. I liked his approach and teaching style.

Zoe Nasios

She was very knowledgeable, very organized and interactive and informative. Loved the real life case studies.

Kathleen Traversari

Invaluable program; by the 2nd class you can bring your clients interventions that will make profound differences in their therapeutic journey and by the end you feel confident and competent to treat clients with trauma.

Molly Rhodes

Going through the Level I and II trauma training has given me a wide array of skills to use in clinical practice that all stem from a strengths-based model. The trainings have not only helped me learn to guide clients to access their wisest and most compassionate self, but has also helped me to further access my wisest self to improve my work as a clinician.

Angela Wharton

The training was absolutely wonderful! I learned lots of valuable information that I could use both in my daytime job and my non-profit.

Wendy Pitts

Dr. Sabrina was an amazing presenter and I will definitely take another class with her when one is offered.

Kristina Worton

Lisa did an incredible job of making the training feel as close to an in-person training as possible. I loved the online chat. This certificate was the best investment I have made in my professional career. Thank you!

Betsy Nichols

This has been, by far, the most useful and high quality training I have ever attended! I recommend this to any mental health professional and really anyone in a helping/health profession.

Michele S.

Dr. Evans' energy was contagious. It was obvious he truly enjoys the topic and is very knowledgeable. The course flew by yet I would have stayed to learn more.

Michael Schlein

An awesome workshop! I left inspired and better equipped to help my clients.

Gale Ann Bellucci

Lisa [Ferentz] has a unique ability to breathe life into an important but dry, dull and boring topic - Ethics! You simply can not fall asleep in Lisa's workshop [Ethical Dilemmas in Clinical Practice].

Timothy E.

Sabrina lead with her heart throughout the entire training. Powerful experience with tangible take-aways.

Sarah Conn

I found [Evolving Treatment in the Face of the Opioid Epidemic] very informative. The presenter was very knowledgeable about the topic and I found it helpful to hear real life experiences with addiction.

Jen Baumgartner

I honestly don't have the words to quantify how much I love and appreciate every minute of the Level 1 & 2 Trauma Training Program. The impact on both my personal and professional life have been profound. I wish the experience for every person called to a helping profession. I will always regard Lisa with gratitude for providing this opportunity.

Kimberly Riopelle

I loved her energy and enthusiasm. Such a wealth of knowledge and wisdom! One of the best trainings I've been to yet.

Marilyn Murphy

Patricia is Fantastic. Her energy is Beautiful!

Janel Cubbage

Dr. Evans was very personable, engaged in and encouraged dialogue. He was enthusiastic and offered so many good references to drive home understanding of the material.

Maria Tolbert

Lisa embodies the social work value of lifelong learning. She's an amazing teacher and is also incredibly willing to learn from others in the room.

Kim M.

Denise is a true expert in issues related to trauma and addiction and has a great way of sharing her knowledge as a presenter.

The Ferentz Institute, Inc. is an approved sponsor of the Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners for continuing education credits for licensed social workers in Maryland. CEU approval for all trainings is also granted to Psychologists, LCPC’s and MFT’s and approved by the Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists and the Board of Examiners for Psychologists in Maryland. Reciprocity has also been granted for clinicians in Washington, DC, Virginia, West Virginia, Indiana, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, and Texas. All mental health clinicians are encouraged to check with their respective State Boards to learn if reciprocity is offered for our CEUs. The Institute also maintains full responsibility for all programming.

*Please note that, for workshops that offer CEUs in Anti-Oppressive Content, Ethics, and/or Diversity, those credits may only be used for one of those categories, not all.